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Today's sunrise

This morning's sunrise.  I hung out of the Velux window in bedroom 5 to get it.  Just AMAZING!  It looked like the world was on fire.

Now, you remember the old saying, "red sky at night, shepherd's delight, red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning."  Why did we not heed that?  We drove off to the car boot sale, set up stall, and didn't even look at the sky, just saying we felt chilly and talked about scraping the ice off the car first thing.  Then all of a sudden it began to rain and EVERYTHING got wet.  It would be the ONE time I had taken lots of textiles, trying to have a clear out of my embroidered linen collection.  Lots of washing and then ironing is called for now . . .  Still, at least we sold a few things and were home much earlier than expected.  I have a feeling that first photo will be the new header, though I do like those leaves . . .

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